Frequently Asked Questions

How far away from Cooperstown will you work?

We generally work within 20 minutes of Cooperstown, we may travel further depending on the type of project.

Do you design homes?

Yes. We specialize in high performance homes, but occasionally design standard homes. We have Certified Passive House Consultants© on staff to model and design Certified Passive projects and Net-Zero homes.

Do you work with other architects?


How much does it cost to build a new house?

A similar question is “how much does a car cost”. Our projects generally run between $300 and $600 per square foot.

What are the types of things that affect cost on a new house?

A number of things but they include size, complexity of design, level of finish, and site conditions.

Is it more expensive to build a high-performance home like a passive house?

Yes and no. Initially it adds about 2-7% to build cost. Our projects average 3%. The other side of the equation is that most projects have a 4-7 year recoup. The larger the house, generally the quicker the recoup.

Do you do small projects?

As our schedule permits we can do small projects for our past customers. Generally they are placed on our wait list to slip in between larger projects. Projects average 3-8 months on the wait list before being completed.

How far ahead should I plan before I want to start my project?

On larger projects we recommend 6-12 months. That leaves room for the design phase, pre-construction planning, permitting and scheduling. Smaller projects like kitchens and bathrooms require slightly less lead time. Our schedule is a first come, first serve basis that generally schedules 6-12 months in advance.


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